Fulltext search?

Fulltext search?

Posted 27 Dec 2015, 18:25:08

I've just had a look at this forum post from 2012: http://www.setlist.fm/forum/setlistfm/setlistfm-api/upcoming-api-update-oct-2-2012-fulltext-search-bd6b976

It mentions full text search being added to the API, but I can't find any documentation for using it looking here http://api.setlist.fm/docs/rest.0.1.search.setlists.html.

There are only parameters for more specific searches.

Any comments on the availability of this feature would be appreciated!

Re: Fulltext search?

Posted 7 Jan 2016, 8:11:59

Sorry for the late reply.

The forum post says:

…will bring fulltext search capabilities to all existing API methods

This means that the search terms of the existing methods don't have to be exact anymore:

…search methods will no longer require exact matches, the results of searches by name (artist, tour, venue, city, state) will typically be a superset of the current results

There's currently no generic setlist search method, you'll always have to specify at least one property (artist, venue, date, …).

Hope that helps,

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