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Member since October 11, 2009
Last seen March 24, 2024
Edits so far 313
Edits last month 0


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if you're sure that it isn't a cover, then edit it back, if it then gets reverted again, tell me and I'll lock editing for this setlist.


hey there, you're right, messages as the one above should be posted elsewhere but not on (i'd suggest myspace), we're a little community respecting one another - we should always stick to the facts.

i don't have time to find out who started with the insults, i also don't want to learn Russian just to read some insults then :-)

if you've got nothing to say to each other, then stick to the facts but do not start to insult each other, there's just no use in it.

deethewriter has been a user for some time and contributed quite a lot to the site. so it really surprises me to see message like this one.
but i told him to stop, and i hope he will as he's always been very cooperative.

anyway, i'll go on with implementing new features now - that's definitely more fun than settling disputes. hope you have fun despite that little incindent


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