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Member since March 21, 2009
Last seen March 17, 2024
Edits so far 42
Edits last month 0


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Well, it was an iphone, rather than a pen-light! :)

Good call on Not Fade Away. I forgot about that. I'll update, though being basically a wiki, you can also edit these yourself. :)



Hi Greg - thks re adding the S&G setlist for their Akld concert. I attended Sunday nite & when they did Mrs Robinson towards the end they broke into 'Not Fade Away' for awhile before returning to finish Mrs R. Maybe you want to update the setlist to reflect that? Regards.
PS: I tried to write a setlist as they rattled thru the songs, but I was writing them in the dark & found when the lights came on that I'd often overwritten the songs & was struggling to decipher what I'd written. You must have had a better system than me eg, a pen-light! Cheers.