
JeffreyShapiro's user profile image



Member since November 15, 2014
Last seen January 13, 2024
Edits so far 12
Edits last month 0


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You’re welcome for the Garson/Spiller setlist!!
I just posted a few snippets on my Instagram @WAPSoltis and will be posting more there and full vids on YouTube if that’s of interest. Cheers!!

Hello Jeffrey. I saw you attended a Queen show, which is fantastic! It's always great to see people who was lucky enough to attend a Queen concert! I was asking.. did you have an audio recording the show you went to? Greetings!

OK, it's looking better now! A bunch of your original songs are back on there.

Arg! What happened to all your cool Ian Hunter songs?!

Yes, thanks for clarifying that. :)

The songs for the Bowie tribute show are listed under the artists who song them (Bernard Fowler, Sting, etc.)

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