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Member since June 1, 2012
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 31
Edits last month 0


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We must come from around the same area...I went to most of my concerts during the teenage years at Dayton and Cincy. Anyway...I noted you saw Sabbath in 78...Van Halen would've been the opening act for don't have them listed. And I think it's neat that you have seen the Iron Maidens...twice! I used to subscribe to their email list for a while until I realized that I would never have a chance to see them...most of their shows are out west. Take Care...

Please read the Guidelines and learn to enter Encores and other edits correctly. You just leave an empty line for an encore. Only song titles should be entered without an @ tag.

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Larimar27 saw 33 different artists.