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Member since February 7, 2016
Last seen February 22, 2017
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Since you seem to be an expert in Ramones could you tell me if the concerts which seem to be uploaded as Marky Ramone solo
should be assigned to one of his groups?

Hola. ¿Es verdad que Serú Girán tocó 2 veces en el Parquerama de Luján?

Hey, i just read your comment again one year after, i attended a CJ Ramone here in Italy recently, i don't know if i have videos, i'll look after it and contact you in case.

Have a nice day

sorry Mr. Head... no collecting of Ramones but there are a bunch up on
but act fast as many only have one seeder that is the best place to ask around for more shows you will do much better there than here for sure
this is another site that is less well known if you already are on dime

The only Ramones boot I have is 02.26.1979 Second Chance Saloon, Ann Arbor, MI. If you don't have that by chance I'd be willing to get it uploaded to share.

Sorry, no Ramones tapes. Actually, I was there to see Soundgarden and Metallica. I am not too into punk. All my best.

I have nothing interesting for you - sorry

Hi there Pinhead,

Not interested so much in Ramones stuff, though I attended several Ramones gigs during the eighties in Amsterdam and at Werchter 1985 (Belgium). It was always fun with Da Brudders.

Good luck.

Hi, I don't collect or tape any more, but thanks for the message!