
Rockpicschick's user profile image



... documenting the LIVE Rock and Roll experience and the personalities behind the music.
Live Concert Photography //
Breaking Music News //
Concert Previews/Reviews //

I am somewhat of a gypsy. Chicago, Louisville, Boston, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin ...

Avid music lover who's passion is to photograph musical artists and share these photos with the artists as well as their fans. I enjoy all music genres & appreciate the personalities behind the music. I also write for two online music webzines doing live concert photography, interviews, and reviews.

"Music is an expressive art that draws out the human experience and connects us ... it connects the artists' personal perspective ~ who they are and where they have been ~ to the audience, bringing their stories to life.... " ~Rockpicschick Photography

I consider myself an amateur, but aspire to learn and grow in my art. My goal ... to capture the essence and heart of these performers.


Member since April 6, 2017
Last seen October 1, 2019
Edits so far 0
Edits last month 0


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Rockpicschick saw 6 different artists.