Wrecka's setlist.fm

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Last.fm Wrecka


Member since July 26, 2011
Last seen October 30, 2017
Edits so far 20
Edits last month 0


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Hey, I see that you have seen a few koRn shows from 2000-2017, awesome!! how where they? I want to know if you have any recordings/photos from those shows, if not, do you know anyone who has? thanks in advance!


Hello, I see you were at one of the System Of A Down concerts - did you have any material from there? For example, Audio, Video, Photo, Tickets.
If so, drop me a line at stepwicesoad@gmail.com or here


Hey there! I see that you were at this Red Hot Chili Peppers show in 2000! This setlist is empty, and I was wondering if you happened to remember any of the songs that they played? If so, please get back to me so I can fill the setlist out. Thank you! :)


Hey, I saw that you went to a System of a Down concert in 2000, that's awesome! Do you still have any stuff of them from these times? Like photos, videos, tickets/flyers, etc. If yes, reply me via e-mail please: soad.jpg@gmail.com


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