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About avnut


Member since September 6, 2010
Last seen July 3, 2023
Edits so far 200
Edits last month 0


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Thanks, kansas17! I am not near my notebook this morning, but I wrote down the setlist as the show progressed. I see now that you fixed a couple of issues with the setlist before I even saw it and then when I looked at my own setlist, I could see that there were a few more -- take a look at the end of the main set on the previous version and you'll see what I mean. I will double check, but I am pretty sure the order is right now. Phenomenal show!

(I was trying to paste in the "view edits" link and it doesn't look like that came through on mobile, but navigate to that if you're curious!

Good call on Sparks but I'm pretty sure Closet Chronicles and Opus Insert should be flipped.