
binaural2002's user profile image



Member since August 5, 2012
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 7945
Edits last month 40


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It's just copy and paste. It's even preferable not to use a link that disappears once the concert is over. So if the artist has an archived concert page, better use this one.
It's not up to the person who wants the information to google the artist's homepage.
This is a collaborative site where everyone should do their best to help eachother.

Yes for every upload one needs to put a source. That's the reason why Explain your edit by providing sources and/or reasons. is written under the edit comment box, also when creating a setlist.


I meant in general, no specific setlist.
E.g. for these & sources are missing. It's not only for the songs performed that a source is needed, also for the concert itself.
I'm sure there's more. Better start learning because there's major changes coming up.

Would you be willing to share a source for your uploads and or edits?
Under every edit comment box is written to "Explain your edit by providing sources and/or reasons." So please honour us by sharing your knowledge.

Please do not add any more shows or create any more venues using the name "Living Room Show" as it is NOT a venue it is a concert series.

User charts

binaural2002 saw 295 different artists.