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Member since December 8, 2015
Last seen April 12, 2024
Edits so far 2
Edits last month 0


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This is kinda random but I was looking at my old posts, noticed I wrote on your profile.

I actually ended up uncovering the whole show with the help of some friends, so for your own nostalgia sakes, here:
And video with just the cocked up song

Yes. They said it was a new one. Can't remember which song it was, I only knew a few of their songs. I was there really for Machine Head but DragonForce were awesome. Really impressed with how they were dead honest with the messed up song and the way they just restarted and got on with it. Seem like a good bunch of guys.

Do you maybe remember the DragonForce concert from 2007? MEN arena. Where they messed up a song and started again.

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