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Member since September 1, 2012
Last seen November 20, 2023
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I have an original setlist of Utrecht from the front of house mixer that can confirm this.

During all the shows of this tour I attended (Cologne, Utrecht, Antwerp and Neu-Isenburg) and the recorded shows I have received in the meantime (e.g. London & Luxemburg) there was just 1 encore, as after "Ascendant Here On…" the translucent curtain/projection surface was let down and the Watchmaker video started immediately. As during previous tours the band left the stage while the video was shown and returned after that. There wasn't any "extended" applause after "Ascendant...". Only after "Sleep Togther" the band left the stage for 3 or 4 minutes "waiting" for applause to continue then with the one and only encore. Hope this helps. Greetings. Peter