enorman83's setlist.fm

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Member since August 9, 2015
Last seen March 12, 2024
Edits so far 589
Edits last month 0


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Wow! That's interesting! I read somewhere that at the end of the song Peter stood in the center of the stage, egg was lowered a bit so it obscured his head. Thanks for your reply :)

Hi! I saw you visited Peter Gabriel’s first Chicago 2002 show. Did you record it on audio/video? This is one of the only shows where he performed “My Head Sounds Like That”. If no, then ok, but please answer if you don’t have it, so I know that I should search further :)

that is ok, thank u for getting back to me :)

hi! i saw that you had attended the Menomena show at Pitchfork Music Fest in July of 2007


I was wondering if you possibly remember any of the other songs they might have played that night? thank you for reading and have a great day! :)

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