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Member since November 20, 2016
Last seen March 19, 2024
Edits so far 10
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I am 100% positive, I was stone sober, no alcohol or drugs in my body. My wife loves 'The Letter' and we saw them perform it at Nautica Stage in July 2015 on the Wheels of Soul tour, as well as that night in Akron! Susan Tedeschi introduced 'Bird on the Wire' as a nod to the recently deceased Leon Russell, who performed it many times over the years. Please let me know if your friends disagree, maybe I was dreaming.

I don't remember hearing "The Letter" or "Bird on a Wire" in Akron. I am not saying you are wrong but I would like to ask the others I was with about those two songs to see if they remember. Are you sure about those changes?