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Name Dr. Joerg Gattermann


Member since December 23, 2013
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 63
Edits last month 3


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Hi there, I see you attended the famous Queen Hannover concert, where Freddie falls after Hammer to fall. Is there a possibility you or someone you know have recorded this show? If you do have a recording of this show, please let me know. Thanks!

Hello. I saw you attended Queen's concert in Hanover in 1979, you're really lucky! I know it's unlikely, but are there any chances you recorded the show with an audio cassette? It would be great. Have a good day and thanks in advance!

I see you attended a concert in Paradiso. Because these need to be split up

in the real halls Paradiso Grote Zaal (Big Hall), Paradiso Kleine Zaal

(Small Hall), Paradiso Kelder (Basement), Paradiso Elevator... could you

adapt this one if you remember?