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Member since August 8, 2015
Last seen July 26, 2023
Edits so far 9
Edits last month 0


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Dear Sir, sorry for disturbing you, I am an italian Queen-fan and I have a Queen-related question that maybe you can answer. I see that you attended the two Toronto concerts in 1977. The February concert was the one when Queen were given some white Maple Leafs jerseys in the backstage. Do you remeber if Freddie wore his on stage? I know he wore a different (blue) Leafs jerseys on 1978 concert, but I couldn't find anything about this white jersey. Thanks in advance for any help in this research and my best regards.

Hi, I see you attended this Police show. Did you or friends of yours record it ? I'm collecting live audio recordings. Tons of things to share. Thanks a lot. Cheers. Dr

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