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Member since April 14, 2012
Last seen March 1, 2024
Edits so far 439
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Yeah I would like to see if I can figure it out. Reedpoderis at Gmail. Thanks!

Did you record the whole lemonheads show? Can we figure out the stuff I didn't?

Hi!! Could you share this audio??

OCT 3 2008 James at House of Blues, San Diego, CA, USA

Hi!! Could you share this audio??

OCT 3 2008 James at House of Blues, San Diego, CA, USA


I would love the Vegas DreamS show. I'm a big fan of Steve's work. I first ran across him in NJ at a festival playing with one of Scott's bands, maybe The Baseball Project. It was Scott, Linda, Peter, and Steve. Somehow I missed all of them (except Peter, of course) back in the day.

Be well & wise.


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