
reflections1015's user profile image



Member since November 8, 2014
Last seen April 17, 2024
Edits so far 1110
Edits last month 12


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Hey! You mentioned that you got the setlist from the VNV Nation show you attended. If you could upload a picture of the setlist to a free photo-sharing site (like flickr) and paste the share URL on the show page as a comment, that would be great. thanks!

hi show that you know the songs from Lebanon Hanover. There is a full concert on --> I would appreciate if you wrote in comment which songs are in the 3 vids. I have no idea about the titles and don't know which song is which :) Best Regards p.s. only if you have some free time and the mood :)

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reflections1015 saw 452 different artists.