Duplicate Artist

Duplicate Artist

Posted 6 Jul 2024, 19:52:32

Good evening,

There are two entries for the artist Ben Brown. His songs include Blue and Kathmandu.

This is the incorrect one – https://www.setlist.fm/stats/ben-brown-73fa1a39.html

This is the correct one -https://www.setlist.fm/stats/ben-brown-23c17c2b.html

Please could the incorrect one merged into the correct one, and the disambiguation on the correct one be changed to East Anglian Singer/Songwriter.

Thank you.

Re: Duplicate Artist

Posted 8 Jul 2024, 6:27:03

setlist.fm gets most of its artist data from musicbrainz.org, including the disambiguation. There are currently two different Ben Brown on musicbrainz

https://musicbrainz.org/artist/84e7b56b-7a6f-44f2-80cc-bc900910e284 (the one you listed as 'incorrect') and

Not sure if those are duplicates however.

If we're talking about the Xtra Mile recording artist, then IMHO it's the other way round, i.e. the incorrect one is the correct one and vice versa.

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