Interactive map with all the live music locations around the world

Interactive map with all the live music locations around the world

Posted 24 Jul 2024, 23:16:47

I've created a site with an interactive map with all the live music locations of the world:

Clubs, Pubs, Nightclubs, Restaurants, Social Centers, Beach Bars and more: if a place has live music it has to be on the map :)

The project is using Open Street Maps. The live music places are entered on an collaborative mapping database that is similar to Wikipedia. In this way there is not the risk of nullify all the effort because it is an open data project!

You can add new locations or correct existing ones following this guide:

My goal is to create a map with all the cool live music places existing in the world. If you have my same goal please map all the live music locations of your region or all the live music locations of your country!

I live in Italy so I've added a lot of places for this country: if you check Italy on the map you get a preview of how the map will became for the whole world if you help me :)


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