to Spotify Playlist Converter
Posted 11 Mar 2023, 15:52:09
I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one with this idea, but I couldn't find anything that just works without having to do a bunch of preparation first.
So, presenting a simple bot that can convert any setlist on to a playlist on Spotify!
It's pretty straight forward. Just paste any URL into the input field, hit the button, and the bot will create a playlist on its Spotify account. You can then either choose to simply follow that playlist or copy-paste the songs in there to make your own.
For more information, check out the GitHub page:
I hope some people other than myself can find some utility in this app. Any feedback is welcome!
Posted 12 May 2023, 10:29:14
Hey everyone, the app has recently seen a big increase in traffic. Thanks for your interest! I don't know where it suddenly came from (like, one request per week went to several per day), but I appreciate it. :)
On that note, I've just rolled out a rather important update to the searching logic. Firstly, suffixes like “Remastered Version” no longer affect the results, which would previously lead to undesirable playlist amalgamations. Secondly, if a song isn't found at all, it will no longer fallback to whatever it finds, but instead leaves the song out of the search results; an incomplete playlist is still better than one that has completely mismatched artists.
Posted 19 May 2023, 11:41:56
Very nice. Before I visit concerts of artists I do not really know I like to listen to the recent setlists.
Posted 20 May 2023, 19:27:54
That is exactly why I made this project :D I don't like going to concerts “unprepared”.
Posted 30 May 2023, 18:38:44
Another small update: I've added three new options to make the setlist creation a bit more customizable.
- Include songs played from tape: Whether to include songs tagged as @Tape or not (including songs played from tape that are by other artists)
- Use original songs for covers: If an official cover by the band couldn't be found, the original song will be used instead of simply leaving a blank in the playlist
- Include medleys: Songs that are separated by / symbols will be split and added one after another, otherwise the entire medley will be left out
Posted 31 May 2023, 6:23:40
Nice one. Just to add: a medley has the format space-slash-space. I.e. a space before and a space after the slash. There are actual songs (no medleys) that include the space character, but they are not (or should not) use the space-slash-space pattern.
Posted 31 May 2023, 6:44:31
wow, nice!
Is it also possible to use the AVG Setlist, so you can listen to , let's say, the songs they played last year?
Posted 31 May 2023, 18:00:52
@michi: Thanks for the heads-up! I've updated it to split by “ / “ with spaces.
@Popmarter: I would love to, but it doesn't seem like the API supports accessing average setlists. Unless I'm mistaken of course.
Posted 1 Jun 2023, 6:16:48
No you're right, the average setlists aren't part of the API.
Posted 13 Jun 2023, 1:17:30
Thanks for this! I used to manually create a Spotify setlist kind of based on a recent average setlist (+some extra common ones that might be played). This tool is a very helpful shortcut!
I didn't work for me for this though:
The artist and at least some songs exist:
UPDATE: Probably some other issue because it's not working for other setlists as well.
Last edited 13 Jun 2023, 1:20:19
Posted 14 Jun 2023, 0:09:15
@shwartz The issue should be solved now
Although it should be mentioned that two songs indeed don't appear to be on Spotify.
Last edited 14 Jun 2023, 0:35:36