
Re: Tours

Posted 8 Nov 2018, 3:06:42

Should Billy Joel's stints at Madison Square Garden (split out by about a month or more in time each) be considered a tour called “Billy Joel at the Garden”..? He lists these one-offs this way on his webpage, but my hunch based on what a “tour” is, it doesn't meet the definition.


Re: Tours

Posted 12 Jun 2019, 17:17:07

This artist has a tour (Blood, Sweat & Beers tour) that is written in 6 different ways, all with only 1 concert assigned to that tour:

Can these be merged or does this needs to be done manually so that they all are under the same name?

Re: Tours

Posted 12 Jun 2019, 17:44:33

Last I heard, it's a manual thing…

Re: Tours

Posted 22 May 2023, 17:57:12

Hey there!

I was just searching for a feature/suggestion and saw that I already suggested it almost 10 years ago – sadly with no replies :D

I recently was checking tours from Ghost (the swedish metal band) and found the up to eight Tours for basically the same thing a bit of an eyesore, but couldn't really find anything on the guidelines on how much is too much.

On some level I can understand the separate listings, but it is pretty inconvenient when looking for “the bigger picture” of songs played, when you have to check several sub-tours and try to figure out the differences.

So, I am bringing up (again :D) the suggestion of having Sub-Tours.
Thoughts on this?


Re: Tours

Posted 24 May 2023, 9:21:34

The way I see it, technically “Sub-Tours” are basically the same as tour legs. One main tour, many different sub tours. Like “World Tour 2023″ with “European Leg” as sub-tour. Personally, I think tour legs would be a great addition to and I'd really like to see it. It should be the first addition to the existing tour feature. The sad part however is, that it's not planned for the near future. But it's definitely on the list.

Re: Tours

Posted 24 May 2023, 16:41:33

exactly, tour legs would be another way of expressing what I mean :)
Glad to hear it's on the list – looking forward to it, whenever it will be
Just hoping it's not another ten years, like with my first suggestion :D

Re: Tours

Posted 23 Jul 2023, 1:21:22

Please rename this tour

Rather than “I Love The 90s”

Please make it “I Love the 90s”

This way it is consistent with the other bands on the tour.

Re: Tours

Posted 23 Jul 2023, 1:31:50

Please rename this tour

Rather than “I Love The 90s”

Please make it “I Love the 90s”

This way it is consistent with the other bands on the tour.

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