Venue which has gone through multiple name changes

Re: Venue which has gone through multiple name changes

Posted 24 Jan 2021, 7:04:17

I have posted on this same exact issue for a few years now, to no avail. This is a huge issue that must be corrected. I have used Westbury and Jones Beach as specific examples as well. Met Life Stadium and Meadowlands Stadium is another. The name variations can and should be programmed to be “linked or merged” in the same algorhythm to get one stat count for the venue. It should either get the original venue name, or the current name if that can be programmed to do so. My true venue stat counts are messed up due to this. Same issue with Festivals that occur at a venue. For example: the Laid Back Festival was held at Jones Beach, but does not tally as an event I saw at Jones Beach.

Like you said, every time a new name change occurs due to a corporate sponsor change, it is treated as a new venue! While the mods have always respectfully replied to my posts about this, not sure why over many years they continue to blow off this hugely important issue.

Re: Venue which has gone through multiple name changes

Posted 25 Jan 2021, 14:12:42

Hi there,

we had to remove the post you're referring to as it was an exact copy of your question and included spammy links.

While the mods have always respectfully replied to my posts about this, not sure why over many years they continue to blow off this hugely important issue.

Unfortunately the status of this is still the same. It's up there on the TODO list, but no ETA yet. Sorry!

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