GET for artist/setlists only gets most recent setlist

GET for artist/setlists only gets most recent setlist

Posted 17 Jul 2017, 3:46:59

I'm completely new to the world of APIs. I want to do a school project for data analytics on live band performances throughout the years.

As far as I understand – correct me if I'm wrong – I need to go to{ MBID}/setlists.json to download the setlists. But when I do, I only get the most recent setlist.

How can I download an excel file of all the setlists ever for an artist. The MBID is cc197bad-dc9c-440d-a5b5-d52ba2e14234

Thank you

Re: GET for artist/setlists only gets most recent setlist

Posted 19 Jul 2017, 6:56:27


first of all you should use the new API 1.0, not the old 0.1 version. From there it might be easiest to try the interactive interface using your API key to see how it works. To get all setlists by an artist you'd want to use the new version of the method you've posted. “/1.0/artist/{mbid}/setlists” – for a JSON response you'll have to set the Accept header to application/json. You only get the first page (the most recent ones) when you don't provide the page parameter “p”. Try e.g. ?p=2 for the second page.

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