One off data dump

One off data dump

Posted 23 May 2020, 13:52:39

Hey guys,

I'm currently working on my bachelor's thesis in cooperation with the HTW Dresden in germany.
The main task revolves around different annotation methods for natural language processing and deep learning in general. The specific example is dealing with named entity recognition for artists and performers in music event descriptions.

One annotation method includes a rule based approach where different heuristics are used to determine the entities.

One such heuristic would be to get a sort of history of previous events for certain venues and artists and calculate a score for how likely it is, that the entity in question actually is an artist and performs at the event.

Now getting to my actual question, since I have no need for continuous requests to your service in any application, is there any chance to get a one off data dump for a set of venues (~15,000) and artists (~50,000)?

Or would one need to resort to setting up a crawler and/or an api client to extract the data?

Last edited 23 May 2020, 14:29:57

Re: One off data dump

Posted 25 May 2020, 6:34:31

Sorry, there's no easy way to provide a one-off data export. Therefore an API client is the way to go. Please don't write a crawler, the API was made to expose data for use cases such as yours.

Re: One off data dump

Posted 25 May 2020, 11:20:08

Gotcha. Thanks for the fast response.

I'm guessing there is also no chance for a temporally increased ratelimit to speed things up?

Re: One off data dump

Posted 25 May 2020, 11:31:48

I'm guessing there is also no chance for a temporally increased ratelimit to speed things up?

Well that's something that might be possible. It's not my call though, so could you please submit a request to increase the rate limit using the form on your API settings page and mention this topic? Usually processing the requests take a bit, but I'll try to speed things up and push them a bit since it's for academic research.

schöne Grüße nach Dresden,

Re: One off data dump

Posted 25 May 2020, 11:48:23

Oh, didn't even see the option there, thanks for the heads up and your help!

Schöne Grüße aus Dresden :)

Re: One off data dump

Posted 24 Jul 2020, 22:00:40

I'm in a similar position, looking to do one-time data collection for academic research. I've submitted my request for a rate limit increase. Any chance the review of my request can be expedited? Much appreciated!

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