Marquee Memories: BØRNS

BØRNS is back! Shortly after unleashing "Letting Myself Go" unto the world, the LA-based singer-songwriter stopped by our studio to share some stories with us.
Last week saw the release of the sweet treat that is the Honeybee EP, a collection of songs that pulls inspiration from the records that raised him.
“This project is about finding love in new places, and it was incredibly exciting to create a record that felt so alive by tracking the songs with all live musicians,” he says. “Drawing inspiration from the classic records I grew up on, this EP feels like a celebration of everything that brings me joy.”
Absorb a little joy yourself by hearing about some of BORNS favorite live music moments:

Jeff Lynne's ELO

I was lucky enough to catch Jeff Lynne in concert with the full Electric Light Orchestra. It was at the Kia Forum. Jeff Lynne is standing up there with his shades on playing these songs and still singing like an angel. Spaceship in the background, and string players and the background singers, and I've just looked up to him as a songwriter and a producer and just a creative person. I've always been interested in the live performance and not making it exactly like the record. And I could tell there's just these little alterations of the melody. So, it was really kind of an emotional experience.

M83 @ Coachella

2016, I was in the middle of the desert, little festival called Coachella. Coming from the Midwest where I grew up, I didn't know what Coachella was. Suddenly found myself playing at this festival and not really realizing what it means to be there. And there's a lot of people here. So, I wanted to do a good job and sing well, put on a good show. Walking over to the main stage M83 started and the sun was just a beautiful, orange sunset. And then they started playing that ♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ They just have the warmest beds of synthesizers and definitely felt like I was living in a movie at that moment.


Grimes at a festival in Montreal. Probably in 2016. It was called OSHEAGA. I think this was the first time that I'd ever seen her live and she had a very high-energy show. I feel like her band was wireless too, so they were all doing some choreography. And she was jumping around stage and hitting all these high notes. And there was one thing in particular about this show that really stuck with me, and it was something that I'm not sure if I was supposed to see. She played a couple songs, ran off to the side of the stage, and someone handed her a bucket. (laughs) And it looked like she was getting sick in the bucket, and then handed the bucket back to somebody and then ran back on stage and then continues to just put on this amazing high-energy show. That is a performer, like, the show must go on. It doesn't matter what happens. And also, not even bringing it up to the audience. It's easy to want to just apologize to the audience or talk about it. She still made it just about the show and put on the best show that she could. So that was pretty badass.
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Last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 17:52 UTC

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