Dec 16 2022

Nifelheim at Dynamo - Scen och möte, Norrköping, Sweden

  1. Black Evil
  2. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  3. Unholy Death
  4. From Hell's Vast Plains
  5. Evil Blasphemies
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaughter
Nov 4 2022

Nifelheim at The Abyss Underground Festival 2022

  1. Black Evil
  2. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  3. Unholy Death
  4. From Hell's Vast Plains
  5. Evil Blasphemies
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaughter
Oct 15 2022

Nifelheim at Thrash Nightmare vol. 4 2022

  1. Black Evil
  2. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  3. Unholy Death
  4. From Hell's Vast Plains
  5. Evil Blasphemies
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaughter
Sep 16 2022

Nifelheim at Macken Fest 2022

  1. Black Evil
  2. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  3. Unholy Death
  4. From Hell's Vast Plains
  5. Evil Blasphemies
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaughter
Dec 11 2021

Nifelheim at Plan B, Malmö, Sweden

  1. Black Evil
  2. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  3. Black Curse
  4. Satanic Sacrifice
  5. From Hell's Vast Plains
  6. The Burning Warpath to Hell
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Sacrifice To The Lord Of Darkness
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaugther
  13. ...
Mar 6 2020

Nifelheim at Hell Over Hammaburg 2020

  1. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  2. Unholy Death
  3. From Hell's Vast Plains
  4. Evil Blasphemies
  5. The Burning Warpath to Hell
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. ...
Dec 16 2019

Nifelheim at La Machine du Moulin Rouge, Paris, France

  1. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  2. Unholy Death
  3. From Hell's Vast Plains
  4. Evil Blasphemies
  5. The Burning Warpath to Hell
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaugther
Dec 12 2019

Nifelheim at Tvornica kulture, Zagreb, Croatia

  1. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  2. Unholy Death
  3. From Hell's Vast Plains
  4. Evil Blasphemies
  5. The Burning Warpath to Hell
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaugther
Dec 11 2019

Nifelheim at Backstage Werk, Munich, Germany

  1. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  2. Unholy Death
  3. From Hell's Vast Plains
  4. Evil Blasphemies
  5. The Burning Warpath to Hell
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaugther
Dec 10 2019

Nifelheim at Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

  1. Infernal Flame of Destruction
  2. Unholy Death
  3. From Hell's Vast Plains
  4. Evil Blasphemies
  5. The Burning Warpath to Hell
  6. Bestial Rites
  7. Storm of the Reaper
  8. Sodomizer
  9. The Bestial Avenger
  10. Satanic Sacrifice
  11. Possessed by Evil
  12. The Final Slaugther