AC/DC Setlist at Wembley Stadium, London, England
Tour: Power Up
(with Angus guitar solo)
- Encore:
Edits and Comments
40 activities (last edit by ExecutiveChimp, 11 Aug 2024, 03:31 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsAC/DC Gig Timeline
Jul 07 2024Wembley Stadium This Setlist London, England Start time: 7:55 PM7:55 PM
312 people were there
- a95cdl
- abs2107
- acemagneto
- Acmalibu
- ajmalco
- Ajp47
- AlanDDuncan
- AlanPartridge
- AlexBuchan
- amarchy
- andamate03
- andys67
- Ant1862
- Apwholden
- archiebob
- Aronuk1
- Art_
- batistornio
- beanfeast
- Beckieprestonx
- BenPhillips306
- berkin
- beth1610
- Bethmaeclarke
- Biff68
- BigChop
- Billy6
- billyramone
- Bingusbongus
- blueoystercult6
- BoC_man_orkney
- bradmchugh
- brian4000
- british_steel
- budgie
- bushkilla
- buzzer7326
- c-m-o
- callcopse
- CallumHathaway
- CallumJones1904
- CallumS
- CallumSmith
- carolcaw1
- Carolgdsf
- cathface
- Cheungministro
- chrispower84
- civ1342
- CJW5690
- CK126
- clarke79
- Coffeepot100
- cookie666
- Craigw1234
- cw4883
- D_Rhodes1
- Damo0504
- dan9557
- Danny94James
- Dannybrown15
- Darranx
- Davehicks89
- davepol
- David241409
- DavidPaulThomas
- daz_doc
- dazor
- debbieattewell
- dednahtfel
- deepest_purple
- Derpy_
- Dingus03
- dinoschristou
- djkamsdad
- dnics29
- DonKvalheim
- donna1209
- Doobeedoobeedoo
- drurymatt
- dth64
- DuckyDisco
- dudleyjason
- Dumf
- eetfuk76
- Ellisjh96
- eriksexe
- EskildH
- EWatts
- fanystad
- Farmergeddon
- fb:1082672526
- fb:612881977
- flocky
- Flyfisher61
- flyingbadger
- fourier2000
- Franckie
- Frank66
- G_The_Enemy
- gajewmic
- ganjodav
- GazzaS3001
- George17
- Gingercat
- GMGigPhotos
- Gogsyboy
- Gooders
- gordyjs97
- Gradev
- gragocle
- GreenHanalishi
- Grizzwald_
- Grumpy-Trucker
- guohan666
- GusKonig
- hanadd2
- hannahpotter
- harrisono_
- Hawksy1965
- hazycosmicjive
- HeatherWilliams
- HeisenbergKEN
- heyjoey88
- Hols
- hp2001
- HristovHr
- huh_muh_guh
- hurrcountry
- ianpsherwood
- IanSuffolk
- Impozter
- inspector_shark
- Invincible1958
- IsaacRT
- Jakey925
- jayzhyd89
- Jazzyman00
- JC-Rocker
- jez286
- Jimjam1401
- JM501
- Jmoughton
- Joephps
- John-H
- JohnFurlong
- JohnLaw
- JSmurphy
- Justinc
- JWR2001
- k0bm4st3r
- KarolinaR
- Kate69
- Keano2112
- KellyRothwell
- kevinogden
- kevo1971
- KGLoki
- Ki158
- Killaraith
- kriissa
- ktjones
- ladeiraleo
- LeeEnfieldAS37
- leonlewis1
- LeoWilson
- liammannllt
- lightoller
- Linzmc
- lloydashley05
- lolmeercatz
- LottieL
- luiscesarinfo
- Lukerz
- lukes130202
- lukesilence
- Lummo
- maesierra
- MaggotStein
- MajorHeadache
- MamaKroon
- Mamilondrums
- Manuela710
- Margotshorty
- martenw
- Martin-H
- Martin1969
- martinrbanks
- Matt_C
- matt_rogers1997
- Memonade
- metal_fortress
- metallimat
- miamivice
- MichaelMcC
- Michal_1988
- MickaKateKitty
- Mikeyt69
- MKersey
- Montysgigs
- moore909
- motorbreath
- mp2019
- mrgarrison16
- Mrjtfoster
- Mtgunning
- museman
- Neil_P
- nessandandy
- nickpotter23
- nosleeves
- oakenv
- oggy342001
- OllieGigs31
- Overthemoon
- P3ck22
- P481
- pablolascano
- paulthejester
- pawfox
- pdcntz
- Pdm66
- pedropenyaranda
- Phantomplumber
- playitcool
- Powerage
- rafaellatorre
- Raluph
- Rambond
- ramonszo
- RangerLuca
- RatSalad31
- ravenheart
- RedAcid575
- Repton1973
- rhiannon0_o
- RicCarey
- riff_raff_lee
- Riffraff03
- rjstimpson
- Robbie1898
- RobMee1962
- Robski
- rocknrollmike
- Rocks-Off
- RockyAKAEggin
- RocMakin
- Rodders56
- rogerthebill
- Roksanxerxes
- rossd08
- rusty_jamesxx
- samlewis45
- Scenewhyte
- seagull8
- Sean761
- seanpockets00
- Sebfruk
- Seventh-Son
- shezzer
- ShotDownInFlame
- silverlec
- SirDIgbyCC
- Skillfulperson
- sleepdlz
- Sloth
- smithy15493
- solsburyhill
- Sonicdoom
- Speedy1978
- Stankinjankin
- StevenR1974
- Stu1
- suzehj77
- Swanny95
- swierzy2mix
- swoodford07
- Tanner03
- tc1234554321
- Ted-logan
- Teli
- tfSAFC
- tgshaw97
- the_jazzdevil
- The_Jordi
- Theecallumthee
- TheGame8282
- TheRealSam1501
- Theszbien
- thx1138
- tomembling
- tomevans1993
- Towton
- Travis1798
- Trebor_Eldudd
- tuor99
- urruri
- vasiblan
- ViciousRevenant
- Vidbacca
- vv11mot
- wazza99999
- Weazil76
- williegilligan
- willstratts
- Woodsmick
- Wrwemi
- Zarf99
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