(Segue 1)
(Segue 2)
(Segue 3)
(Segue 4)
(Segue 4½)
(Segue 5 - Mike)
(Intro - Julian)
(In memory of Taylor Hawkins)
(Segue 6)
(Segue 7)
- Encore:
Edits and Comments
8 activities (last edit by haloeighteen, 13 Nov 2023, 18:44 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsAlanis Morissette Gig Timeline
54 people were there
- Aaron657
- ArianneEG
- basdebeer
- Berkoffie
- Cheewbecca
- Ciatach
- dagmarvs
- Denis-Schoen
- ElliHa
- ErikBambacht
- erikgreenie
- FabienG
- gilkagan
- HappyDees
- Harro_nl
- harrold
- hnky
- JaVaPa
- Jees2008
- JessJustt
- jorritspruijt
- jvdwijdeven
- karmeliet1975
- Kindadiff
- kkerklaan
- LE_TOF_360
- lomedae
- Loudertje
- LuciDotoli24
- MarcoSmit
- mariwhi
- Martijn-j
- Mgaleota
- Mochan7
- paawke
- Pascal1961
- PetShopGirl
- Poortweide
- postmiranda
- ralfvdw
- Raymondmast
- reinoudn
- Rkdev
- rmjwelman
- robinvanriel
- Romaleli
- rwessel
- Samoeroy
- Seth_Logan
- shortnek
- smileface
- wernerprost
- Wes92
- zeropizza
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