Blur Setlist at Wembley Stadium, London, England
Tour: The Ballad of Darren
Song played from tapeThe Debt Collector
(First time live since 2014)
(Preceded by applause for Freddie Mercury)
(Preceded by Damon going into a tent on stage to find out who was in it)
(with Phil Daniels)
(With false start)
- Encore:
(First time live since 1994; with "Wembley" intro and chant throughout)
Note: Soundcheck: "Tender", "Country House", "Parklife", "To the End", "Sing", "Oily Water", "Sunday Sunday", "Advert", "Lot 105", "Girls & Boys", "Under the Westway", "St. Charles Square", "The Narcissist", "Out of Time", "For Tomorrow".
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123 activities (last edit by rat_pack_gal, 9 Jul 2023, 21:30 Etc/UTC)
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Blur Gig Timeline
Jul 08 2023Wembley Stadium This Setlist London, England Start time: 8:35 PM8:35 PM
557 people were there
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