Coldplay Setlist at Festivalpark, Werchter, Belgium
Tour: Mylo Xyloto Promo Shows
Edits and Comments
30 activities (last edit by cherrell410, 22 Apr 2023, 03:16 Etc/UTC)
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Coldplay Gig Timeline
136 people were there
- Aadbeuktemaat
- airpix84
- Anneleen
- Anneleen777
- Anniekske77
- Bakkerzemst
- baptea
- bear84
- belgpete
- Ben7Zen
- Bizzie
- bolivario
- Cedric1069
- cgfreak
- chifry53
- corenssv
- crejving
- Cumps_ie
- CupOfTea696
- daha88
- ddelboo
- didisplash
- dilluhn
- Ditch691125
- djhydra
- Dolores4r
- dominiczehnder
- downliner
- eastcamp
- eddyfiss
- Eefje21
- Elafro
- eleentje
- Ellectricsparks
- emiel1206
- EnKaa
- eugene90
- fam201
- fb:1022299498
- FestivalsFest
- flatfacecat
- gabscooper
- gadb619
- gertve
- gieldl
- Haario
- Halo87
- harriedrumstel
- Hilavitan333
- Ienz
- ioannis112
- itayg
- J-CL
- jarne
- JarneR11
- jdf007
- Jemig
- Jeroen_decock
- Jerome0412
- JoaLootens
- jochumsevert
- joelweis
- JohanGodfried
- Jonasky92
- jtxiii
- k0bm4st3r
- king_kwassa_79
- Kobe
- kuonA
- lc483
- ledsep
- liesdecat
- loraledm
- Maartenjackers
- ManuHuylebroeck
- marcth
- Marionnrt
- Maxx
- melissarubens
- mookie76
- more10swe
- mrahooghuis
- murmur99
- Nanda_ver
- Nizzle2daBizzle
- No_Code
- Nonkel_Jan
- Octa_Ramayana
- pajet67
- paulcappon
- peteborisov
- phelixdekat
- preferclassics
- PresidentJesus
- PrezPete
- ProperChaos
- radiojuli
- rdexelle
- rems1983
- rigesdw
- RobinFokker
- roylammens
- Royzinman
- Rubyfever
- ruudvankester
- SandmanNL
- Shariramaut
- Shayak2809
- shrink
- smaln
- Spruutsje
- StanislavRH
- stephandebruin
- StevenHaneca
- stof65
- Stratisfaction
- TariAncalime
- Terencebreurken
- thesimplicity
- Thibault
- thijsken25
- Tibol03
- Timesplitter
- Timyyy
- tobykruit
- TomFckingWilson
- tomvangoylen
- Toot182
- Trypto
- waiting4winter
- WinnyT
- Wolfpack
- Wouter_Br
- zebrazzo
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