Daughter Setlist at Parc del Fòrum, Barcelona, Spain
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6 activities (last edit by sicko, 6 Jul 2023, 07:45 Etc/UTC)
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Daughter Gig Timeline
82 people were there
- adriminoria
- albertonotar
- Albertt
- AndrewLindsay
- antoniominardi
- asimplesystem
- Augu5tiner
- banadolu
- briced
- DanielAlbinati
- davebrawl
- DeathRho
- Deniz_Il_Grigio
- eoinfegan
- femmeoftheyear
- Franceschetto
- franpesca
- fzfranco94
- german83
- gsfgsr
- gunitex
- hadar
- HeyJimenaa
- Hullabaloo4
- ikoon
- ilbeyene
- Javierito
- jdieguez
- JHeras
- jistonboy
- jltopping
- Jonathan_Toth
- Jordi_Re
- JPelegrin
- jtins
- Kanhorta
- Katsche
- kirkerona
- Klerke
- korowin69
- Laura_la_Rossa
- lgra
- lu2kasz
- martinicola
- Mencarhell
- molpe
- MouXxX
- musicfreak1082
- nachoruiz
- Nevado84
- nibsniebuhr
- NoExit319
- Oren85
- pabmiralles
- Pandrew
- paquitobzh
- PerfWolf
- Philkinney19
- pimlottc
- pmadden85
- Poiplehaze
- Qluraqan
- Radiopearl
- rinclin
- robisco
- roquisimo
- Sabrina11
- Sharanx182
- slfdstrctv
- SmWltn
- squeekobenelli
- StefanoTognozzi
- Taco
- tberidon
- Teoxsil
- tito_jan
- vyatta
- watar9
- WouterP87
- wulfmusic
- zoidberg66
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