Doro Setlist at Allianz Parque, São Paulo, Brazil
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7 activities (last edit by VictorTonon, 7 Feb 2024, 08:18 Etc/UTC)
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Doro Gig Timeline
Apr 22 2023Monsters of Rock Brazil 2023 This Setlist São Paulo, Brazil Start time: 11:30 AM11:30 AM
112 people were there
- acrizzijr
- adupontbr
- alinesl91
- andbene
- Andre_Neves
- Andrefv
- andymath
- angelicaelis
- axpedro
- babi_matos
- bartrabelo
- beabuerger
- becope1001
- brunobh
- brunosarue
- caio0y
- CarlosFreitas
- cesarhenrique
- ClovisRoman
- DaianeM
- DamianiCWB
- dhpito
- diego_camara18
- diemarcato
- djens
- doug_nsc
- dvvargas
- edski
- Esmeraldino
- evertondornelas
- Exxxec
- Felipe_Mesquita
- FelipeCLeao1
- felipwilasco
- Fernanda_Lima
- fmaccormick
- fossachiara
- Geovane_Depa
- gsvrg
- guiaraujo
- GustavoSavarego
- Gzn88
- haroldoteixeira
- HericleySH
- Inklursios
- itsjusalles
- Jacomasso
- jcmarcussojr
- jeys_setlists
- Jguifranca
- Jonatam14
- kelvin462
- Kenia
- kikoabrileri
- lazarofreire
- Leandra_Thorn
- leandropena
- leonelzsantos
- Leopoldo42
- leozera666
- louperi
- Magosso
- marcelovmusic
- marina_yoshie
- Mario0003
- metalsujo
- mfrafael
- mmorais
- msmendonca
- nandord
- natashasant0ro
- NayCastro
- ninaemerich
- Olimpio
- Otavio
- pauloarruzzo
- Porto
- Proto
- Purgatory
- rafaela_dangelo
- RafaelBernardes
- ratodeshow
- ravleron
- RenanGatto
- riklops
- robertos
- RodrigoGrld
- rtsmaiden
- Safiletti
- schonsjr
- Sebaz77
- ShowMaster1
- shpramos
- Solanex
- sonkhryzz
- Sphyntz
- StingerKildred
- Sturki32
- TamadiM
- Thais-Faria
- ttneuwert
- vcinquini
- victorhugosilva
- viktorock
- waguiaralves
- wainer_custodio
- waldyrfonseca
- wendysasahara
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