Foo Fighters Setlist at Estadio El Campín, Bogota, Colombia
(Crowd throws paper airplanes during song)
(Song goes out from speakers failure, Dave and crowd sing the chorus acapella until sound comes back)
(Dave solo)
(Preceded by band introductions)
(During bridge, the crowd improvised singing and cellphones lights were turned by almost everyone)
(Soloed by Dave)
- B-Stage
(Half with Dave, half with full band.)
(KISS cover)
(Rush cover)
(AC/DC cover)
(Queen & David Bowie cover)
Note: "I'll Stick Around", "These Days" and "Outside" were on the setlist but did not get played.
Edits and Comments
32 activities (last edit by sicko, 6 Jul 2024, 20:10 UTC)
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