Glen Hansard Setlist at Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL, USA
(New unreleased song)
(The Frames song)
(The Swell Season song)
(Glen solo)
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8 activities (last edit by ezralite23, 7 Sep 2024, 20:16 Etc/UTC)
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Glen Hansard Gig Timeline
Aug 29 2024Wrigley Field This Setlist Chicago, IL, USA Start time: 7:00 PM7:00 PM
141 people were there
- 2fortheshow
- againstmodestme
- ajm343s
- alan_worcester
- amylynnrosie
- AndySlash
- avernon
- b2me19
- Bagman007
- bakerfall
- Bartholomew_III
- bhawx10
- BigApple
- boilerup2010
- breamcniel2
- BrettMiller
- BruhB
- Cab2274
- Cactuar
- cant_be_neutral
- charnapoli
- chicagojo0
- Chiconcertfan
- chriscanada
- Christitan13
- cosmo040
- darrylautry13
- dave-grohl2
- Davittslat
- Dbanthony
- dhalmond
- dinkle50
- dpvirgilio1981
- ebirahaha
- emc597
- epatterson
- ezralite23
- failingcookie
- Flipnote87
- FrogCatcher3
- GodOfPearlJam
- H01ly
- Hawkinsj01
- hoojeebo
- hoveyje
- Howie1968
- iakovosjam
- iamtrey
- jakeandcompany
- jameserose
- jbrownte
- jbrownvr6
- Jedi1976
- Jeffwarner
- jericho24x
- jhamilton2005
- jhueber
- JJMac
- Jkhurck
- Jlipp9
- joecdoyle
- JoeFligmora
- Johnharju
- johnjcpa
- jram
- Justifari
- kathy_D
- kathyp1637
- kemacker
- keva1a
- Kjdecesare
- kkunkle
- kmac6486
- lastwaltzsroad
- laverym
- lbg83
- lellopj
- Lisavaggie95
- LovelyCroissant
- lupom
- Marcolica
- Matt83
- Mckimba
- Meatball70
- michellenayc
- mike101968
- miked1414
- missyd2599
- mizzourc
- mudd7115
- NataleeSG
- NathanWynn
- NotoriousEIB
- omahattan
- parmrw41
- PBruce
- Pete2186
- peterskills25
- pistol2284
- pjtourkid
- polkadotpam
- PuttinOnTheFoil
- radiohead1157
- radioman70
- raneemabu
- RealMe97828
- reubenhood
- rigoalberto
- Roberson
- RobertoAyala
- ruffinit
- Rushfan75
- ScottTheBaker
- Sethasaurus
- silencer666
- sjhvernon
- slapstickjesse
- sneaky424
- spilledmilk
- StarORock
- stormyboy66
- stuzy
- sureshot911
- thankspete55
- The_Fridge
- TheNotoriousADD
- theTvan
- thornski
- tjcook87
- toddsfa
- Truantsmoveon
- wagss
- Wine_and_ambien
- xman137
- Yeastie_Boy
- yeboitdog
- zepcowboy
- zeppearl
- ztiberiusd
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