Tour: The Saviors Tour
Song played from tapeBohemian Rhapsody(Queen song)
Song played from tapeBlitzkrieg Bop(Ramones song)
- Dookie
Song played from tapeOh!(The Linda Lindas song) (with The Linda Lindas) (Performed by The Linda Lindas; Green Day was not on stage)
- American Idiot
(Billie lost his voice halfway through the song)
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26 activities (last edit by cumming_clean94, 12 Aug 2024, 15:11 Etc/UTC)
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Green Day Gig Timeline
Aug 09 2024Citizens Bank Park This Setlist Philadelphia, PA, USA Start time: 8:20 PM8:20 PM
213 people were there
- 42kitchenmitts
- 90sFormative
- acchione95
- AceEbb
- airbbb
- akuczynski
- AlexMc611
- allalongthetowr
- antpetitt
- Ashleyjl
- audioragegarden
- Awaer
- Awesom-o
- barfbagtpot
- bart80
- Batullo13
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- Beccers4683
- bhimpele
- BillNinDE
- billy91
- birddog69
- blakxzep
- bluehenfan
- Boni03
- breenditagin
- BrettDaps
- BrianovichIV
- Cactus502
- Carlvito
- cartoonphysics
- cdphilly
- CensoredColors
- Cfrank65
- Chaitan
- chelsel
- ChristianDavid
- cinemaria
- ciphilly
- CJ84waves
- ColtCaDaddy
- Cyanide
- danmagz
- DannyBrown
- darmation
- davidanwinters
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- DevonWaschitz
- dlevy021
- Dmoyer0219
- dsdj44
- ehoch76
- Ehvinn322
- ek218
- elektricshock
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- esamer53
- Ezappile08
- FakeJSF
- fb:1560338658
- fisched924
- FrankieMagaz
- Fury325
- Gabethunder04
- gerardsglasses
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- gigi2112
- giovannamagz
- girlnotgrey
- Greencakenow
- GreenHalen41
- Gyatt11
- habanerosilver
- HereIsMyHandle
- hippiepowers
- hkramer
- honeybeeje
- HueyB
- huglau
- iamthewalrus
- ian1225
- Ichelob
- idigmusic37
- ihusson
- iifoganewgonii
- Ileana1990
- ILoveShows
- Jakehartline
- japon1ca
- Jaxarewild
- jdp941
- Jdub067
- JJKPhilly
- jmacphee
- jmhandler
- Johnjeewill11
- johnnyo217
- jrok67
- jsirgey
- Juincey
- justinfoley
- jwinter65
- kaibourbeau
- Kay_Jay_Coz
- kaz_usa
- kbomb69
- Kdenx
- lastexit969
- laurenbanjo
- libzhark
- Livefromuk
- LogynnR
- losingmysenses
- lulsss
- luxamnesiac
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- mandyrips
- markhentz
- masobwisewizard
- Matthall135
- mckeeelizabeth
- mddatner
- menamar1e
- Michaelshtofman
- michupichu
- Mikebkny78
- MikeT829
- Mleaning
- mnoon1999
- MochaMoose
- Moriescello
- mrmet6986
- MrWrecker20Set
- MTD5093
- multiace27
- musicgirl1121
- mymindsthweapon
- Narcb0y
- NarWhalen
- nearlyvirtues
- nickreese94
- nickthestick
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- nycviaphl
- Ockomusic
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- orestes1066
- ParanoiRavaoli
- Peepzilla
- PennsNet
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- pflexer
- PGizmo
- Phillyflyer
- PhillyWook
- philsphan824
- pmagent
- posbornewvu03
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- rad649
- rboiley73
- Reddhouse4700
- RedUnderdog18
- restok79
- rhableahcar
- Richl29a
- RickEmpty
- Robflaz
- RoboCoke
- robz1006
- RUrugger98
- Ry_Guy2006
- ryanb314
- ryanbanes123
- Sabrina8850
- sailorpeachh
- sbrugel
- SCross
- SeanMatthew13
- Sgarretson
- shawnesty23
- shawnyboyyy
- shofdog17
- ShoulderBoulder
- Silk_Setlist
- sinmusic
- skullyisntok
- snowblind73
- Spacelink
- spirlindizzy
- spongey
- sregan
- steviestones1
- suz231974
- tdaprile
- The_Ney
- Thebolox99
- themusic1
- Tiff0117
- TomFoo83
- trambopoline
- Trksets
- TurtleMate1
- UnclePaige
- Useless0fficial
- venomstrike375
- VinnyViktorr
- violetrose9801
- whakkamole
- YouEatPig
- Zaxsan
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