Iron Maiden Setlist at Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile
Tour: The Future Past
Song played from tapeDoctor Doctor(UFO song)
Song played from tapeBlade Runner (End Titles)(Vangelis song)
- Encore:
Song played from tapeAlways Look on the Bright Side of Life(Monty Python song)
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15 activities (last edit by Meshhh, 28 Nov 2024, 03:39 Etc/UTC)
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Iron Maiden Gig Timeline
Nov 27 2024Estadio Nacional This Setlist Santiago, Chile Start time: 9:05 PM9:05 PM
172 people were there
- AlfChilean19
- alfkmuss
- Ancient-mariner
- andresvy
- Angulish
- antonishere
- AronMaiden
- Barbsrock
- Bayrao_Teim
- beachboysurfer
- Beatrix424
- BlueArchivist
- c4ffeine
- carrot
- CBermeos
- ccarrascos
- cesarv
- charlyhood
- chaved8
- chicopanico
- chjaymz
- claudiaivonne
- Coty_Carmilla
- crisacha
- cristobaldelg
- CVTine
- DamianAguila
- darkjordan15
- Deadbydawn
- Delafeis
- delirivmcordia_
- delriovicente
- Dewm1984
- Diego197
- dp84
- edgardo
- Edu_saez
- Edurrieta
- eldanva
- elgwalls
- EliasVillalobos
- eluntux
- elvaka
- enanoakd
- fb:1496341808
- FcoMancilla
- Fe_Roses
- fedetacacho
- FerCL
- flacasilva
- Flippy_AAAAAA
- FMacAuliffe
- Fmartiniv
- francorest
- Galdex
- Gerardo745
- gimabra
- GonzaRb
- Gonzata
- GoSeed
- gregingham
- GuileFreak
- Gunszalo
- hbarraza
- Hellvaro
- huntercl1
- IdenttCrisis
- Ignacious_D
- Iguanasong
- Indief64
- Ironmaiden84
- JazzMati
- jelugoc
- Jere
- jlandero
- Jon_Ast
- jonathanrobert
- josejofres
- JuanWoe
- Jusandry
- juxnmv
- KirtheK
- labelas
- Leivonz
- lepechaun96
- lizcarpe_diem
- Luciferi
- Luis_Zakk
- Lynx_
- macapirate
- madamekarliu
- Malakiantelloa
- mariskal
- Martincho
- MatiasArteaga
- matoalbo
- mauiriveros
- Meshhh
- metalth
- mfigueroa
- mhurtado
- michelcanales
- mike_mauss
- Miriox
- mkritu
- MrFlakoIvan
- mtapiaquiroz
- mtorrealba99
- Munita93
- nakchogomez
- Nantro8
- natsss
- nicoalarconm
- Niscar
- obibenjaworld
- omanriquez
- otihcan_
- pabloarentsen
- Panconpimenton
- PatoO
- paulodomic
- pcq1265
- PennyRose
- ponchort
- Poto
- pppantru_k
- PRS_617
- pvmb
- pygmaelion
- Rantes
- ratlehed
- rattdeath
- Roberto-Ulloa
- Rocesrodrigo
- rodoparra
- rodri_rm
- RodrigoGarcia
- RodrigoR2
- RodrigoVergara
- Roonaalx
- RottenPriest
- sebacastroh
- sebasavv46
- Sebastian13
- ShadowsKing1976
- Shaolindemonaut
- Shierman
- SirAzrael
- SithLordBenja
- slayseb
- Stormriderxbh
- Tarkus10
- tepigthegamer55
- thails86
- ThunG
- tithoignacio
- Titoxic
- Trasher
- uinkaloc
- victorvil
- vitocarz
- vtessa
- waren7567
- wari_sepu
- wildtus
- WombatAstronaut
- Yannuzzi06
- yo3598
- zatanax
- Zeroxel
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