Judas Priest Setlist at Centre Bell, Montreal, QC, Canada
Tour: Invincible Shield
Song played from tapeWar Pigs(Black Sabbath song)
Song played from tapeInvincible Shield Tour Anthem
(Fleetwood Mac cover)
- Encore:
Song played from tapeThe Hellion
Song played from tapeWe Are the Champions(Queen song)
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22 activities (last edit by Ranchotexicali, 14 Sep 2024, 04:00 Etc/UTC)
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Judas Priest Gig Timeline
Sep 13 2024Centre Bell This Setlist Montreal, QC, Canada Start time: 9:00 PM9:00 PM
9:00 PM
56 people were there
- ---1
- 4yut2pc
- AlestormOzzy
- alpesh
- Alxen
- auger97
- Badhabit007
- Bartender888
- blackiss
- Bob_Valao
- bonfire842
- breakthecycle91
- Capitaine101
- CedricB
- Cheezymeister
- Clemenbay
- Cynpi
- Darkfang
- DarthGrimby
- dbf345
- diablelucifer
- DomValela
- Drumsticks
- emeraldsanto
- Emmabouu
- EyeofAstranger
- FireStorm97
- FunkyBaldHead
- Iffyx
- jayhen24
- jellis7191
- jfvachon
- jipebourdon
- jspineault
- Kinglegit
- LouisQc80
- malmck14
- matwill
- mbournazian
- Metal_Madness
- mitchgriff1488
- MontrealMetal
- paulroy
- Pegase72
- plb45
- quebeclibre
- Ranchotexicali
- rgtavora
- RumpelStillCam
- Starforsaken101
- talulla
- Tankmech71
- Toto2498
- VeritasKnight
- WiggleSinge
- Xw3R
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