KISS Setlist at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA
Song played from tapeRock and Roll(Led Zeppelin song)
(Gene breathes fire)
(Tommy Thayer)
(with The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" bridge)
(followed by Paul & Tommy dueling guitars)
(Gene spits blood)
(Paul zip lines to B-Stage)
(Paul on B-Stage)
(Paul zip lines back to main stage)
- Encore:
(Eric Singer solo on piano and vocals; followed by the band throwing drumsticks into the crowd)
Song played from tapeGod Gave Rock and Roll to You II(KISS avatars on screen)
Note: Promoted as "KISS' final show"; livestreamed on
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154 activities (last edit by kfinch, 4 Dec 2023, 16:57 Etc/UTC)
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KISS Gig Timeline
Dec 02 2023Madison Square Garden This Setlist New York, NY, USA Start time: 8:45 PM8:45 PM
183 people were there
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