Madonna Setlist at Jaz Beach, Budva, Montenegro
Tour: Sticky & Sweet Tour
- Pimp
Song played from tapeThe Sweet Machine(video intro with samples of "Manipulated Living" by Michael Andrews, "4 Minutes" and "Give It 2 Me")
(with samples of "And the Beat Goes On" by The Whispers)
(with samples of "Gimme More" by Britney Spears)
(with samples of "Give It to Me" by Timbaland and "4 Minutes")
- Retro
Song played from tapeDie Another Day(video interlude; with samples from "Planet Rock" and "Looking for the Perfect Beat" by Afrika Bambaa)
(with samples of "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life" by Indeep and "Put Your Hands of 4 Detroit" by Fedde)
- Gypsy
Song played from tapeRain / Here Comes the Rain Again(video interlude; with samples of "Here Comes the Rain Again" by Eurythmics)
(with snippets of "Pala Tute" by Gogol Bordello)
Song played from tapeMe darava / Doli doli(performed by the Kolpakov Trio)
(Andrew Lloyd Webber cover)
- Rave
Song played from tapeGet Stupid(video interlude; with samples of "Give It 2 Me", "4 Minutes", "Voices" and "Beat Goes On")
(with samples of "Feels Like Home" by Meck)
(A capella)
(with samples of "4 Minutes" and "A New Level" by Pantera)
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19 activities (last edit by event_monkey, 18 Oct 2023, 17:29 UTC)
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