Ministry Setlist at Budweiser Stage, Toronto, ON, Canada
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4 activities (last edit by XIIK, 6 Sep 2023, 23:31 Etc/UTC)
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Ministry Gig Timeline
53 people were there
- 10flowerpower
- Ajohns1
- aldworth
- Bharinck83
- borriffick
- canad1an_m5tal
- ChrisMcCluskey
- Dafty_Duck01
- daveyperry
- Dellecese
- DylanHanson1997
- Evan663
- fatback
- fb:748669438
- forzaferrari
- Geor
- Gm0000
- hadd
- hvymetalmaniac
- jameserose
- jknechtel
- Joey_McNulty
- joren_cu
- Jyngr
- Khowarth
- llert777
- mame
- mityragu
- musicsportsfun
- NWOntario
- Omri33
- Paran0rmal
- pbass07
- plasticine
- Ponyxpresso
- Protic
- RavenRob
- RobertoAyala
- ron_robichaud
- SebbyV00
- Serginho2112
- Shawked
- Shawkir
- Sixx101
- Soap_fac3
- StoneCold
- the_conduit
- TheViolentVegan
- Viper609
- voltagedrop
- xmcd
- Zandra_Leigh
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