Tour: The World Tour
Song played from tapeRequiem in D minor, K. 626(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart song)
Song played from tapeBreaking News
(With "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin snippet)
(Machine Gun Kelly on screen)
Song played from tapeT.N.T. (Terror 'n Tinseltown)
Edits and Comments
15 activities (last edit by JoacoQuezada123, 29 Apr 2023, 04:32 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsMötley Crüe Gig Timeline
Feb 25 2023Parque Simón Bolívar This Setlist Bogota, Colombia Start time: 9:55 PM9:55 PM
60 people were there
- AlejoConejo
- andresfob09
- Betolin
- Blake_GhostSong
- camarroram
- camillespectrae
- camilob29
- camilogaitan
- ChechoPacho
- Coby666
- CrespoDeMierda
- DaBoss24
- darviel
- davalmo
- david56048
- DavidBenji
- davidfelipe
- ddelgadillor
- dfpulidov
- eduarben
- EnriqueDiaz
- erazo14
- estebanvelezb
- EugenioChahin
- felixortega
- gomezdieg
- gustavoc38
- Guzzman
- hectorahr
- Hellfire_1987
- isoto69
- jciriarte
- jcleguizamon1
- jhonalx
- josejah
- JuanCaJam
- Juancho
- juanfer
- Juank1604
- Juanpv11
- juanrockcarlos
- labarca
- Leirbag
- leopoldovasquez
- MAURO242
- MetMich18
- migue1185
- Mikhelis
- milogm
- mrmojo002
- NicoHerrera27
- Phelhype
- primobudgie
- Rocker_Hooper
- Ronnie2012
- rvrecords
- taturco
- ThiagoM21
- Werle95
- wzuleta2
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