Muse Setlist at Bramham Park, Leeds, England
Tour: 2011 Summer Tour
Song played from tapeWhat's He Building?(Tom Waits song)
- Origin of Symmetry:
(synth intro, extended outro)
(first performance since 2008, guitar outro)
(first performance since 2003, Chris sung the chorus for the first time)
(first performance since 2007)
(first performance since 2002, guitar)
(first performance since 2001, short version)
(Anthony Newley cover)
Song played from tapeStadium Siren/We Are the Universe Intro
(riff version)
("Back in Black" outro)
("House of the Rising Sun" intro)
(+ "Township Rebellion" & "Endless Nameless" riffs)
- Encore:
(Ennio Morricone's "Man with a Harmonica" intro)
Edits and Comments
123 activities (last edit by bendobrin, 17 May 2019, 04:07 Etc/UTC)
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