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7 activities (last edit by NegativeCreep, 2 Sep 2013, 19:24 Etc/UTC)
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My Bloody Valentine Gig Timeline
49 people were there
- agoering
- alternapop
- besteban
- ciancake
- colonel32
- Current_92
- Current92
- danswindel
- deanwareham1977
- Devinoch
- dokas
- eric_y1979
- fb:599940438
- gloomboy
- gloriaforgold
- greatchickendoc
- heyrocker
- IndieSongADay
- jacobm320
- jasonjay1988
- jboudreau21
- jcoriha9
- jloughney
- jmcguire
- jodijay333
- JonathanReinke
- juliusknipl
- ka0tika
- Kin9Bolt
- kingfeurio
- ktc19
- Kueller917
- mannmw74
- moosicturtle666
- motato
- musicdweeb
- MyLoveParamour
- Oceanman
- railrat
- RamonM
- reiver337
- rzl020286
- Satori
- shadk
- sstorey
- suedemode
- SungTongs
- theReplicant
- Torc
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