Tour: Reunion Tour
(Dedicated to Gerard's daughter, Bandit, for her 13th birthday)
(Dedicated to My Chemical Romance's promoter Johnny Phillips)
(Dedicated to member Ray Toro, who lost his father, and to anyone else who has lost someone to it)
- Encore:
Note: "Headfirst for Halos" and "The Kids From Yesterday" were on the printed setlist, but not played.
Edits and Comments
55 activities (last edit by allenz, 12 Jun 2022, 19:00 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsMy Chemical Romance Gig Timeline
May 27 2022Victoria Park This Setlist Warrington, England Start time: 8:35 PM8:35 PM
188 people were there
- 51_mran
- abbiej1228
- abs2107
- AdamGrealish123
- adxmbaker
- alexking66
- amazingthings
- ameeraaj
- AndyW86
- angelalaura
- Annie7x
- Apwholden
- arioasis19
- avengemyghost
- awsetn
- Ayoff33B4noff33
- baggie92
- Beansontoast
- beaubeaub
- beckybee
- bethkempton
- BIGHharrison123
- Bizzygriff13
- bjdibben1
- blackcatowner
- BlondieNikC
- boyo79
- boypoison
- br0gz
- bxthanygs
- Calvinio12345
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- camthedj
- castleofbones
- cblair352
- cc242
- Chazza3007
- cherry_cola
- Chewiix
- chvxrlotte
- closer2god
- CoolJames69
- daved44
- Davichael
- Dax4182
- delqhic
- Demolitionlver
- djh2503
- drenahmeti22
- ebonyillidge
- eggfriedrice
- Ekard8352
- emilyokeeffe
- emilys2204
- Emlops
- Emmaahh
- Enemo
- eugene90
- fastcatmiless
- fb:514815518
- fides
- Field_of_Cloud
- fin17
- fishyofsorrows
- Freyinajar
- gaesaporta
- george27cKy
- GH96
- ghostttapes
- giggity
- gloom
- Goggle0612
- goldie_3608
- hannahdulset
- harry5573
- Heatherk
- HiMyNameIsPip
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- hryggrbyr
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- imogencarubia
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- jadeallen222
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- JamieHall368
- janeahen
- jayyyyyy16
- JazzMyatt
- jcosgrovex
- Jess23694
- jimbobpeters
- JoeHughes93
- jogibear
- Jonta96
- jorge7786
- joshflip1989
- Jpshrew
- katrinahelena
- kerriwynter
- Kerys_03
- KillJoyV13
- LadyMuse
- Laurajade18
- LemonicAura
- ligs
- linzfizh
- lloyddhr
- Lorretta1
- LotsoBurr
- LucysDrowning
- maika_777
- maraschinomerry
- mayathepsychic
- meggoo
- melissakaye
- Meowowzerz
- milliemolly
- MillsyJ
- MykaylaMysteria
- Nicole94
- nomoreroses
- Numeropa
- oatmilklesbian
- Oblivion3606
- onionrage
- outraage
- PaulBM74
- phantompale
- phoebealyssaxox
- Phoenix07010
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- preachelectrick
- Rachel9932
- RachieSambora
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- RealBobbyRooney
- realiancollins
- Redmond2002
- RichTurnerr
- rihaydenjames
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- robpoy
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- RyanTerpstra93
- Rye_owl
- saint-jimmy
- sarahexists
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- sean1231
- seventhxcross
- Sew2017
- ShaunMaclaren
- shell661
- sigmavan
- SnowyWoods
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- SpireOfBones
- stasiahannah
- stemman01
- Stourwolf
- Strangeness
- swaino8647
- themagiccrumpit
- TheMichaelWatt
- Thenameshowell
- tipjar
- Tofu
- Tom1975
- Tothehotel
- tragican
- TrashKing
- TricksyLiesmith
- underscoreanna
- violentmoth
- vipercode
- vivalafrankie
- willbents
- WolfboyFM
- woodlouseinikea
- Y4nd3r3x
- yazzychu
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