Pantera Setlist at U.S. Bank Stadium, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Song played from tapeRegular People (Conceit)(Pantera highlight video)
Song played from tapeIn Heaven (Lady in the Radiator Song)(Peter Ivers & David Lynch song)
Song played from tapeCemetery Gates(Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul tribute video)
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7 activities (last edit by allenz, 17 Aug 2024, 01:16 Etc/UTC)
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Pantera Gig Timeline
Aug 16 2024U.S. Bank Stadium This Setlist Minneapolis, MN, USA Start time: 6:55 PM6:55 PM
193 people were there
- 3113
- ajia95
- AMagicMoose
- Andrewfoss
- AndySlash
- angelflutr
- AngeloFiat
- AsthmaticTeaPot
- Ayatollah71
- Banjo0413
- BatMetalMan
- benducklow
- Bentsnoot2384
- big_fat_sellout
- bpokos_2
- bytdmb
- Cactuar
- CallsignNoble
- carlfritz
- ccowley191277
- CDeren148
- CDub13
- cgphotography
- Chad31672
- chease_is_gouda
- cheesyk
- cjboggess
- cmhotchkiss
- cmurr
- colingham
- ConcertFan
- CoryMClark
- CoyoteRed
- CrashPow
- criedel32
- csbbb
- ctbennett94
- daryllhurst
- dg5150evh
- dhughes09
- dimebagdaryl79
- Dipperdaripper
- DJ_Shard
- djangri
- DJKlug
- Djpatton1022
- DownGoesFrazier
- dubbin
- edhack
- El-Superbeasto
- eldenrique
- Enok901
- Eragon0321
- Eyeohh
- fedrusion
- Fionris
- Fixxxer37
- fleegs79
- free2932
- Fytnsaint
- Gareth_Watkins
- ggrady27
- Goatgoblet
- gsantoyovargas
- guitarguru186
- Guyintheworld
- Hagl0048
- hakala4614
- halsten
- huntmant
- itsprettywild
- J_Olin
- jackburton10
- James_Veigel
- jayzip11
- Jcraven311
- jesse_k_smith
- JesseRB1996
- jgeorge4972
- Jgroff2153
- jjk417
- jlcoyer
- jobe_wj
- Joecl84
- joefahey
- Joerobmn
- jomitucker
- josephhroy
- jpmorgan22
- jrondo4
- jspauter
- jsreagen
- jzinn23
- kanerules
- Karuune
- kereealazer
- kirkwalton
- KLO43
- knucklehead9905
- KrispyKyle
- Kurto220
- kylepduffin
- Leadville
- Liam_Walls
- LoganHowardDoe
- Lordtyren
- lytttlelynyrd
- mabler
- Machfive
- mattropheim
- MattSteele
- MercenaryA7X
- Metalmann13
- metalmtg
- mganrude
- mrmojo002
- Mrseedless1
- myownself26
- nachofries
- natefarley
- nbmazzocco
- Nick_Lane
- njk213
- nord117
- nostalgiaphils
- NuMetalRiffs
- offmywave
- oldstyln49
- orac666
- OUSuperman
- papahet81
- paulwells55337
- peanuthunt
- phantomheart79
- pigeonhed13
- pouncebounce
- RabidMNPanda333
- Radar218
- Rexall
- Rifugium
- Ripped_pants
- rjwoodsee
- rkoopmann
- rocknrollmike
- Rushfan75
- ryanyearous
- ryski
- SamsToast
- Sassy4Satan
- sbro88
- schwa420
- Scottpeace
- SeasonalBlue
- set711711
- shanes3576
- shenga
- silencer666
- sirikk
- Skogey
- Spook69
- stacey_anne
- Table208
- Tallicat77
- Tebber3
- tehrealweasel
- The_Most_Swood
- TheBoi76
- TheLastBaron44
- themusicalfox
- thezott
- timinator4434
- tomogle
- TRayF
- treefrogdarla
- Troy365845
- Tsags79
- tuttster
- ultrapig
- valti3rra
- vcviking
- Vegasmotz
- Vstavares
- wisepeppy
- Wrathchild67
- wsnydes
- XenoPrym
- xfancavex
- Zachpapas
- zbraman
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