Paul McCartney Setlist at Allianz Parque, São Paulo, Brazil
Tour: Freshen Up
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(Wings song)
(The Beatles song)
(Wings song) (followed by "Foxy Lady" jam)
(The Beatles song)
(Wings song)
(Wings song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Quarrymen song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(Wings song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(Wings song)
(The Beatles song)
- Encore:
(Wings song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
(The Beatles song)
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11 activities (last edit by Fabio, 4 Oct 2021, 00:43 UTC)
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Paul McCartney Gig Timeline
Mar 26 2019Allianz Parque This Setlist São Paulo, Brazil Start time: 8:30 PM8:30 PM
151 people were there
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- BarbaraAvenia
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