Pearl Jam Setlist at Great Stage Park, Manchester, TN, USA
Tour: U.S Tour 2008
(live debut)
(with "Love Will Tear Us Apart" tag)
(The Who cover)
- Encore:
(first time played in full since February 18, 1995; reworked version)
(with "Save It for Later" tag)
(Victoria Williams cover)
- Encore 2:
(Eddie Vedder song)
- Encore 3:
(Bob Dylan cover)
Note: "Indifference" and "Yellow Ledbetter" were on the setlist, but were replaced with "All Along the Watchtower".
Edits and Comments
21 activities (last edit by ExecutiveChimp, 28 Apr 2024, 04:10 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsPearl Jam Gig Timeline
269 people were there
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