Pearl Jam Setlist at Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL, USA
Tour: North American Tour 2016
Song played from tapeIl buono, il brutto, il cattivo(Ennio Morricone song)
(with "Summertime Rolls" intro)
(with Dennis Rodman on stage; tour debut)
(stopped and then resumed after Eddie's intervention in a crowd disturbance)
- Encore:
(Hunters & Collectors cover) (tour debut)
(dedicated to Layne Staley) (tour debut)
(Wayne Cochran cover)
(tour debut)
(Dead Boys cover)
- Encore 2:
(Victoria Williams cover) (with "Paint It Black" tag)
(Cheap Trick cover)
(Eddie Vedder song) (followed by 'Time Has Come Today' (The Chambers Brothers) snippet)
(Neil Young cover) (with Tim DiJulio and Matt Cameron's son Ray both guesting on guitar)
(The Beatles cover)
Note: "Come Back" was on the written setlist, but was not played.
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75 activities (last edit by allenz, 14 Jul 2022, 05:05 Etc/UTC)
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Pearl Jam Gig Timeline
Aug 22 2016Wrigley Field This Setlist Chicago, IL, USA Start time: 8:00 PM8:00 PM
476 people were there
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