Pearl Jam Setlist at Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL, USA
Tour: North American Tour 2016
Song played from tapeBaba O'Riley(The Who song) (Orchestral version)
(The Beatles cover) (tour debut)
(with 'Outta Love Again' by Van Halen snippet)
(dedicated to Gord Downie from The Tragically Hip)
(Bob Dylan cover)
(Little Steven cover) (fast version)
(with 'W.M.A.' tag)
(with 'Save It for Later' tag)
- Encore:
(Ramones cover) (acoustic version)
(with Steve Gleason on stage)
(Pink Floyd cover) (with Steve Gleason on stage)
(Pink Floyd cover)
- Encore 2:
(with 'We Belong Together' tag)
(Cheap Trick cover)
- Encore 3:
(Eddie Vedder song) (tour debut)
(The Who cover) (with Tim DiJulio on guitar)
Note: Soundcheck included: 'Amongst the Waves', 'Light Years', 'Sad' and 'Getaway'; 'Crazy Mary' was on the printed setlist, but not played.
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66 activities (last edit by Luke71, 9 May 2023, 23:13 Etc/UTC)
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Pearl Jam Gig Timeline
Aug 20 2016Wrigley Field This Setlist Chicago, IL, USA Start time: 8:00 PM8:00 PM
558 people were there
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